Marvel Movie Marathon

Day 3: Iron Man 2

Image result for iron man 2

For some odd reason, the majority of people into the MCU are not fans of this movie. But why though? Honestly it’s my favorite Iron Man movie, even though Iron Man 3 showed up and made the whole plot of this movie irrelevant. Seriously, he could have done what he did in Iron Man 3 in Iron Man 2 and save himself the trouble. It’s not like the palladium core he created is an Infinity Stone or anything.

Here’s why Iron Man 2 is my favorite:

  • You get to see more development of the MCU with the introductions of Black Widow and Nick Fury. And you get more of Coulson.
  • “I’ll taze you and watch Super Nanny while you drool on the carpet”
  • Blatant Easter eggs (Cap’s shield reference, and they reference the happenings of Thor about twice)
  • Tony creates a new element (that gets deemed unnecessary in Iron Man 3)
  • Rhodey becomes more of a badass
  • Black Widow kicking ass and taking names
  • The comedy relief of Jason Hammer (Honestly you can’t take him seriously and I think that was the point)
  • The Iron Man/War Machine fight
  • The part where Tony pulled a Sailor Moon in the middle of a racetrack

I could list more but you’d be here all day. You get my point though. There’s a lot of good things about Iron Man 2. Its basically the bridge to the Avengers. You won’t be completely lost if you skip over it, but I wouldn’t recommend it.

Image result for iron man 2

So tell me, do you like Iron Man 2? Do you hate it? Let me know. I wanna hear other people’s opinions about this movie

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