Marvel Movie Marathon

Day 2: The Incredible Hulk

Image result for the incredible hulk

Today’s film is The Incredible Hulk. I feel indifferent towards this movie. It’s not bad, it’s not good, it just is. Someone else has pointed out several good points on this movie and I’ll link it here. I’m not doing movie reviews or anything like that. We’re just taking walks down memory lane.

I feel as though it’s more of a stand alone movie. There’s subtle hints at other characters and events, but you’d miss it if you weren’t paying attention..

The main tie in to the MCU is Tony Stark showing up in the after credits talking about “building a team”. And even that part isn’t completely relevant. Honestly, you could skip over it and still be in tune with the continuity of the MCU. Honestly, it’s one of those movies you watch just to be watching something.

So tell me, did you like this version of the Hulk?

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